11 Reasons Why You Should Continue to List Through the Holidays!

One of the things we constantly get asked around this time is whether or not you should keep your home on the market during the holidays. Without a doubt, more than any other year, you should be keeping your home on the market. With prices trending downward and the possibility of interest rates going up next spring, it’s definitely to keep your home on the market and get it sold now while prices are still high. Even if interest rates rise 1%, it would mean a 10% price drop in homes.

Below are eleven reasons why you should continue to list during the holidays:

11. By selling now, you may have an opportunity to be a non-contingent buyer during the spring, when many more houses are on the market for less money! This will allow you to sell high and buy low.

10. You can sell now for more money and we will provide for a delayed closing or extended occupancy until early next year.

9. Even though your house will be on the market, you still have the option to restrict showings during the six or seven days around the Holidays.

8. January is traditionally the month for employees to begin new jobs. Since transfers cannot wait until spring to buy, you need to be on the market during the Holidays to capture the market.

7. Some people must buy before the end of the year for tax reasons.

6. Buyers have more time to look for a home during the Holidays than they do during a work week.

5. Buyers are more emotional during the Holidays, so they are more likely to pay your price.

4. Houses show better when decorated for the Holidays.

3. Since the supply of listings will dramatically increase in January, there will be less demand for your particular home. Less demand means more money for you.

2. Serious buyers have fewer houses to choose from during the Holidays and less competition means more money for you.
And the number one reason why your seller should list during the Holidays …

1. People who look for homes during the Holidays are more serious buyers!

The bottom line is that you should keep your home on the market during the holidays. We look forward to speaking with you soon! Have a great day.